Chant of Arasatchi = Theme Music of Baba
Starting with this
Arasatchi 's Theme :
Baba's Theme :
So? :)
To the frens who r going to say Baba theme is a copied 1 from the Al Capone (The Untouchables)... The whole body of Baba's theme is a different feel, though the similarity is there, but its funny Arasatchi Theme is more closer to Baba's Theme. Do Check it out..
Other Music Directors copying A.R.Rahman

A.R.Rahman Winamp Skin (Classic)
Beautiful Sculptures of Eshwari Temple, Sungai Way
Goddess Amman Close Shot
Hello yet again guys! These are the 2 main sculptures that caught my eyes. It has been in my mind i should always snap the pictures and post it here, and finally got the time, when not many devotees was in the temple, i quickly snapped the pics. Check them out. Both of these sculptures are attached to the temple wall, like a semi-sculpture....
Goddes Amman FULL snap
Lord Shiva and Amman Full snap
I think its time for me to start blogging again...
Will start later... i would like to share with u guys some amazing sculptures that was done in the temple i always visit, Eshwary Temple, Sungai Way.
Its very unique and ofcource, beautiful. It looks very lively u know. Will post it.
RiNGToNeS by dJ' NiT[H]iSH
Ayurveda fights against H1N1 virus
August 13 2009 02:38 PM
The founder of the Art of Living Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says not to panic over H1N1 virus. He said independent studies conducted at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (AIIMS) and National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore (NIMHANS) have proved that practices such as pranayama and meditation boosts immunity at least three-fold.
''If we can integrate these practices in our daily lives along with the simple Ayurvedic remedies, we can effectively counter swine flu,'' Sri Sri Ravishankar said.
Dr Manikantan and Dr Nisha Manikantan, senior ayurvedic doctors at Sri Sri Ayurveda centre said,''To counter air-borne swine flu viruses, Sambarani dhoop (loban stems) should be burnt in the house twice a day. Sambarani is a very potent atmospheric sterilser."
Swine flu invades the body because of a breakdown in immunity and Ayurveda offers simple and effective remedies to boost immunity and build resistance.Tea made from Laxmi Taru (botanical name Simarouba) leaves, Tulsi, Amla and Amrut (Giloy) acts as an immunity enhancer.Ginger and Turmeric powder mixed with either lime juice or honey can also be taken twice a day.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said, "India has a wealth of knowledge from Ayurveda to counter swine flu."
Hiring Tricks That Job Seekers Must Know
Hiring Tricks That Job Seekers Must Know
In this highly competitive job market, employers and recruiters are using unconventional techniques to screen candidates. It's not enough to just be prepared for the interview; job seekers need to be prepared to be judged even when it's not clear they're being judged.
Here are some secret tricks that real recruiters and hiring managers use to weed out candidates:
They inspect your car.
Tina Hamilton, of HireVision Group, knows a corporate president who would find out which car belonged to the candidate he was interviewing. "The receptionist ... would then go outside and look in the candidate's car to see how neat and clean the car was, if there were food wrappers ... how well maintained the car was," says Hamilton. "The owner considered this a definition of the candidate's character."
They watch while you wait.
Some recruiters deliberately keep candidates waiting and have the receptionist report on how they choose to occupy their time, says career consultant Eileen Varelas, of Keystone Partners. "So if you are playing games on your phone instead of reading the Wall Street Journal on the table in front of you, you could be sabotaging yourself before you even meet the recruiter," she says.
If you choose to do something besides quietly sit and wait to be called in, take care in choosing an appropriate activity. For example, reviewing your resume or an industry publication would be a good choice. Loudly sampling songs as you download them to your phone, not so good.
They try to see your inner gossip.
Waffles Natusch, president of The Barrett Group, says a senior manager client would have other people on the hiring team do the normal interview screening. Then he would have a friendly interview with the applicant during which he'd drop a sideways comment about someone on the hiring team and ask the candidate's opinion of the person.? If the candidate agreed or added to the slam, or disagreed and defended the person, he or she wasn't hired. But if the candidate refused to acknowledge or discuss the inference, a job offer was usually made.
They mind your manners.
Many recruiters use meals as a screening tool. "I know a recruiter who passed over a candidate because of the way they cut their meat during a lunch interview," says Varelas. (The candidate cut his meat all at once, not one piece at a time.) Juliet Boghossian, a behavioral food expert and columnist for, teaches execs what they can learn by the way someone eats.
"By observing an individual's eating style or food habits, you can quickly reveal their character or judgment capacity, among many other behavioral facets," she says. For real insight into your character, work personality and career interests, take a free career test.
If your resume passes the first screen and you get called in for an interview, these are just some of the unusual strategies you may face. Make sure your resume passes the test with a free resume test and be on your way to landing your dream job.
Bird experiment shows Aesop's fable may be true
Bird experiment shows Aesop's fable may be true

An undated photo released by The University of Cambridge shows a rook, a member of the crow family, as it drops stones into a tube to raise the water level and bring a worm into reach, at the Sub-department of Animal Behaviour at University of Cambridge. In Aesop's fable 'The crow and the pitcher' a thirsty crow uses stones to raise the level of water in a pitcher to quench its thirst. A new study published online Thursday, Aug. 6, 2009 in the journal Current Biology demonstrates that rooks, birds belonging to the corvid, or crow family, are able to solve complex problems using tools and can easily master the same technique demonstrated in Aesop's fable.
(AP Photo/The University of Cambridge)
NEW YORK – From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare, Aesop's fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true. But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened.
It's the fable about a thirsty crow. The bird comes across a pitcher with the water level too low for him to reach. The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the pitcher. (Moral: Little by little does the trick, or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention.)
Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone-dropping strategy to get at a floating worm. Results of experiments with three birds were published online Thursday by the journal Current Biology.
Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments.
Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague exposed the rooks to a 6-inch-tall clear plastic tube containing water, with a worm on its surface. The birds used the stone-dropping trick spontaneously and appeared to estimate how many stones they would need. They learned quickly that larger stones work better.
In an accompanying commentary, Alex Taylor and Russell Gray of the University of Auckland in New Zealand noted that in an earlier experiment, the same birds had dropped a single stone into a tube to get food released at the bottom. So maybe they were just following that strategy again when they saw the tube in the new experiment, the scientists suggested.
But Bird's paper argued there's more to it: The rooks dropped multiple stones rather than just one before reaching for the worm, and they reached for it at the top of the tube rather than checking the bottom.
The researchers also said Aesop's crow might have actually been a rook, since both kinds of birds were called crows in the past.
On the Net:
Current Biology:
Videos of the rooks:
Jennifer Aniston: Better body through Yoga
August 05 2009 09:40 AM
Golden Globe winner Jennifer Aniston (The Good Girl), who usually does yoga for two hours every other day, says that it quiets her mind and leans her out, according to reports.
Forty year old Aniston, who has one of the most desirable bodies in the industry, says that with yoga her legs got leaner, arms got strong, limbs lengthened, posture improved, muscles got toned, and

Acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed has extended invitation to other Hollywood celebrities to explore yoga, referred as “a living fossil”, which he says is both a mental and physical discipline by means of which the human-soul (jivatman) unites with universal-soul (parmatman).
Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, pointed out that some sages had described yoga as the silencing of all mental transformations, which lead to the total realization of the Supreme Self. Some had used yoga attempting to gain liberation by removing all sensory barriers.
According to Patanjali, author of the basic text, the Yoga Sutra, who codified yoga after being founded by Yajanavalkya, yoga was a methodical effort to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and psychical, Rajan Zed added.
Dinesh Scaran
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- A.R.Rahman Winamp Skin (Classic)
- Beautiful Sculptures of Eshwari Temple, Sungai Way
- I think its time for me to start blogging again...
- RiNGToNeS by dJ' NiT[H]iSH
- Ayurveda fights against H1N1 virus
- Hiring Tricks That Job Seekers Must Know
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